An Electrician’s Guide To Holiday Lights

electrical lights

An Electrician’s Guide To Holiday Lights

It is that special time of year again, where homeowners throughout the country will prepare to decorate the inside and outside of their homes for the holidays. And while everyone has different plans and traditions around decorating, from small decorations to a full light show in your front yard, it is never a bad idea to review some safety guidelines. Making sure your home is

Indoor Holiday Light Tips

When hanging lights indoors be aware of flammable materials. You do not want warm light bulbs near paper or other flammable objects. It is always safest to turn off your holiday lights before going to bed. Many homeowners put all of their lights on a timer to ensure safety. Not only does this prevent electrical fires or other emergencies it also saves power and decreases your utility bill.

How To Properly Hang Up Holiday Lights Outside

Hanging lights can be difficult, time-consuming, and can lead to injuries. Make sure you have the right ladder and always follow the recommendations of your ladder manufacturer. Do not step on the final rung of the ladder, make sure both of the ladder feet are level at all times and touching the ground, and do not overstretch when hanging lights. You do not want to fall off or tip your ladder. Climbing down and moving the ladder multiple times may be time-consuming, but it is much safer.

Be aware of the following three problems:

  • Weather Conditions: When hanging lights outdoors, it is important to consider snow, rain, sleet, and other wet conditions that may affect your lights. It is important that you have the right outdoor outlets to prevent weather conditions from causing a short.
  • Overloading Your Circuits: If your home is not designed to support the power needed for all your decorations and your home appliances you may cause the circuit breaker to overload. This will cause the breaker to trip and cut power to your home. If your breaker trips often, you should call an electrician to perform an inspection.
  • Electrical Shorts: Electrical shorts happen often because of old damaged wiring. Always inspect your lights for damage. If shorts happen frequently you may need to replace your lights or work with an electrician to identify the problem.

Residential Electrical Support in Massachusetts

For more tips and help with your electrical system, contact Cardoso Electrical Services. We would be happy to discuss any questions you have about holiday lights, circuit breakers, and electrical shorts. We also provide emergency services for families in the Wakefield area.