Electrical Issues To Be Aware Of This Winter

Electrical Issues To Be Aware Of This Winter

It is finally time for winter. And for many, this is a time to hunker down, enjoy cups of hot cocoa, and maybe string up some decorative lights for the holidays. However, for electricians, winter brings up many potential issues for local businesses and homeowners. Snowstorms can knock out power and can make it difficult to restore power quickly. In this article, we will cover a few of the important winter electrical issues every homeowner should be aware of and know how to prevent. 

Cold Weather Electrical Damage

Extremely cold temperatures can make your wiring brittle and less flexible. If you have an unheated garage or tool shed with power tools, you should consider installing insulation or moving those pieces of equipment to a heated basement. Additionally, cold winter storms can lead to snow pile-up which takes down branches from trees. A downed branch can knock out a wire and cause a power outage. It is important to remove branches that hang directly over power cords around your home. 

Winter Pest Issues & Electrical Devices

One thing you might not think about as the weather cools down is pests. But during the winter months many rodents and other pests will look to your home for warmth and security. Unfortunately aside from damaging your walls and floors (and eating your food) pests can also mess with your electrical system. Rats or mice in the walls can gnaw on wiring or dislodge important cables. It is important to protect your home from pests before the winter months to prevent pests from harming your electrical system. 

Don’t Overload Your System This Winter

One risk for many homeowners, businesses, and apartment owners is overloading their system during the winter. If you have electric heat for your property there is a high risk of using too much electricity for your system. Between your heater, your kitchen appliances, and your other electrical appliances, it is fairly common for homeowners to break a fuse or trigger the circuit breaker. Make sure to have an electrician come by and inspect your electrical system especially for older properties. An electrical upgrade can help you prevent overloaded circuits during the winter and summer months when electric consumption is at its highest. 

Schedule an Electrical Inspection in Greater Boston 

If you live or work in the Greater Boston area, the team at Cardoso Electrical Services would be happy to help you with an electrical inspection and maintenance. Our team handles electrical projects big and small for homes, offices, industrial facilities, and more. Our team can help you with maintenance, repairs, inspections, and more.