Electrical Tips for Office Spaces

Electrical Tips for Office Spaces

If you work in an office, you use your building’s electrical system in countless ways almost every single day. From turning the lights on, to fixing the printer, to restarting the Wifi router. It is important for every office employee to have a working knowledge of electrical safety and to be aware of issues that might indicate a potential risk. Here at Cardoso Electrical Services, we provide electrical maintenance and inspection services for office properties throughout Greater Boston and the surrounding areas. Here are a few tips every office employee should know about. 

Replace Frayed Cords Right Away

Whether it is a phone charger or an extension cord, if you notice that the outer layer of the cord has become cracked and is starting to fray, you should replace it quickly. Exposed wires are a huge safety concern especially if the copper wire is showing. This can lead to electrical fires. One common reason that cords get stripped or fray is because office chairs roll over them. Make sure to properly organize any cables or wires under your desk to prevent damaging the cords. 

Turn Off Appliances & Unplug Devices When Not In Use

Unlike a home, many offices are completely empty at the end of the day and overnight. Turning off all of your equipment can save power and prevent damage to your electrical systems. In fact, when possible, consider unplugging any equipment at the end of day to further decrease electrical usage and prevent potential damage. 

Use Dedicated Circuits For Your Office

Like any home, and office likely uses many separate circuits. When you approach a circuit breaker you will see the various circuits that have been set up. Every desktop computer and appliance requires wattage to run. It is important to avoid overloading your circuits by having too many devices on a single circuit. For that reason it is important to know your circuit map when installing any new appliances or creating new work stations. 

Avoid Using Extension Cords and Power Strips

While extension cords and power strips can be convenient ways to plug in more appliances and equipment they can cause problems as well. As mentioned above, too many devices or appliances plugged into the same circuit can cause an overload or another electrical problem. Additionally extension cords can also add too much load onto a single circuit. If you need to set up more workstations or bring in more appliances, consider hiring an electrical team to upgrade your system. 

Electrical Solutions for Office Spaces in Greater Boston

Cardoso Electrical Services provides electrical solutions for clients throughout Greater Boston. Whether you need an inspection maintenance or another service, we would be happy to help. Give us a call today for more information.