Halloween Light & Decoration Safety Tips

Halloween Light & Decoration Safety Tips

As we approach the fall and Halloween season, you and your family might be excited about costumes, candy, and of course spooky decorations. Over the years more and more people seem to be enjoying this spooky season. From Halloween parties to trick-or-treating, to huge decorated displays outside every house. As residential electricians, we do want to provide a few safety tips on how to make sure you are decorating your home correctly. Halloween, like Christmas, usually involves a lot of outdoor decorations, so it is important to decorate appropriately. 

Avoid Overloading Your Electrical Outlets & Circuits

When decorating inside or outside of your home or business, make sure to avoid plugging too many things into one outlet. This can put too much electrical load on your system and cause your breaker to trip. If your breaker trips, please view our guide on how to handle circuit breaker issues. Avoid daisy-chaining multiple extension cords as this can cause overheating. 

Use Lights & Decorations That Are Certified

There are a  few nationally recognized labs that test electrical components for safety. The UL, CSA, and ETL are all organizations dedicated to testing electrical products to ensure their safety. 

Do Not Put Nails In Wires 

NEVER nail, staple, or fasten a wire through the wire. Damaging the wire or the insulation around the wire could lead to an electrical shock or fire. If for any reason wires need to be suspended (i.e. string lights), use hooks to hold the wire in place.

Use Outdoor Lighting

If you are opening your home this Halloween to give kids candy or to host a Halloween party, make sure that the outside of your home is well-lit. While it is tempting to avoid using bright lights in order to keep the spooky atmosphere, you do not want kids to trip over steps, bumps, or decorations. Make sure walkways and steps are well lit to prevent tripping hazards. 

Plan Decorations Around Walking Paths

Make sure to not obstruct any walkways or sidewalks with your decorations or with wires. This can create a dangerous tripping hazard. Aside from it being dark, many costumes involve the use of masks. Decreased peripheral vision can make it difficult to avoid stepping on or tripping over decorations/wires. 

Avoid Open Flames & Flammable Decorations

While candles and jack-o-lanterns are traditional decorations, they can also be dangerous. This is especially true if your decorations are particularly flammable (i.e. flammable fabrics and paper products). Opt for battery-powered candles and lights to avoid leaving any open flames unattended. 

More Questions? Give Us A Call

There are a few ways our team of electricians can help you be safe throughout not only Halloween but year round. From providing inspections to helping install new outlets we can help businesses and homeowners stay safe.