How to Keep Your Refrigerator Running Efficiently

How to Keep Your Refrigerator Running Efficiently


refrigerator full of food


There are countless ways you can cut electricity costs around your home and the best places to start are on your major appliances. Your refrigerator is likely one of the most energy-consuming pieces in your home and if it is not running efficiently, you could be paying hundreds of dollars in electricity bills when you shouldn’t be. Follow along for some changes to make to your refrigerator that will help you save on your next electricity bill.


Create Space Between Major Appliances

Move your refrigerator away from your dishwasher, oven and other large appliances you may have in your kitchen area. When they are close together, especially heat-omitting appliances, your refrigerator will be working harder than usual to maintain its low temperature and using more electricity in the process.


Keep the Doors Closed

By keeping your refrigerator doors closed whenever you don’t need something, you will help your refrigerator maintain its temperature and the amount of electricity it needs to use in order to do so. Many people will spend a considerable amount of time grazing or even leave the refrigerator open while cooking, forcing it to work overtime. Avoid a larger electricity bill by only opening the refrigerator when you know what you need!


Cool-Down Leftovers Before Storing Them

By putting hot items into the refrigerator, you will force it to use more energy to cool them down. Instead, leave the leftovers out until they’ve reach room temperature and you will avoid putting that unnecessary strain on your refrigerator.


Mind the Temperature Setting

Many families keep their refrigerator much colder than needed, inevitably using a considerable amount of energy. Instead, keep your refrigerator at 40℉ or just below. As for your freezer, it should be set to about 0℉.


Cardoso Electrical Services based in Wakefield, MA has been helping families and businesses save on their electric bills for decades. Contact us today to make your home as efficient as possible and move on to a more sustainable lifestyle in 2018!