Keeping Your Child Safe From Electrical Dangers

Keeping Your Child Safe From Electrical Dangers


Your child’s curiosity can be one of their best, and yet most dangerous qualities. Children will get their hands on almost anything that you’ll let them. They love to explore and investigate new things on their own, so it is our job as parents to protect them from playing with something that could turn hazardous. Particularly, electrical outlets pose a common threat to children, as they are easily found in almost every room in a house. Luckily, there are a few options to childproof your outlets and prevent a disaster.

Outlet Childproof Options

Tamper-Resistant Receptacles

Also known as childproof outlets, these receptacles are designed specifically to prevent children from putting little fingers or objects into them. They use spring-loaded shutters that close the outlet slots when they are not in use. National Electrical Code has mandated that new and renovated homes after 2008 must use these tamper-resistant receptacles. Check for the letters “TR” or “tamper-resistant” on the surface of the receptacle surface.

Outlet Covers

If your home is a bit old completely replacing your outlets are not an option, plastic outlet covers are a good alternative. They require a bit more work, as you’ll have to remember to take them on and off with each use, but it is worth it for peace of mind in keeping your child safe. They are affordable and commonly used by many homeowners.

Sliding Plate Covers

A happy medium between these two options is sliding plate covers. They are a bit pricier than outlet covers but provide more protection similar to the Tamper-Resistant Receptacles. To install, unscrew your existing outlet cover, replace it with the sliding plate cover, and the spring-loaded piece of plastic will keep outlet slots covered when not in use. They provide similar functionality to the Tamper Resistant Receptacles, keeping your little ones safe.

Other Electrical Dangers and Tips

If you can, blocking off access to outlet covers with furniture is an easy way to avoid the issue altogether. You may also consider adding whole outlet covers to avoid children from yanking cords out of the wall. In addition to the potential hazards from outlets, extension cords should also be considered. Try to avoid them unless absolutely necessary. Children love to put everything in their mouths, and you certainly wouldn’t want them teething on an electrical cord. If you do need to have one, use gaffers tape to hold it down securely, making it difficult for your child to get to.

Contact Cardoso Electrical

Cardoso Electrical is committed to keeping you and your family safe. If you want to learn more about our process and services, contact us today!