Saving on Your Electric Bill This Winter

Saving on Your Electric Bill This Winter

With the winter months, also typically comes the dreaded increase in your electric bill. Let’s take a look at why your electric bill tends to rise in the winter, and how you can combat these factors to save some money this winter.

Why Your Electric Bill Rises

You’re Home More

Let’s face it, when the heart of winter is here and the snow is piling up outside, most of us would be pretty content not leaving our house for days. The thought of having to bundle up in layers upon layers and having to shovel the driveway just to get out is enough to make us never want to leave bed. For these reasons, we’re simply just home more in the winter than any other season. Therefore, we’re using more lights, television, heat, etc., to keep us comfortable while we’re home.

Temperatures Drop

The freezing cold temperatures of winter typically mean more work for our heating systems. The colder it gets outside, the harder your system has to work to keep you warm and toasty (and your pipes from freezing!)

Holiday Decorations

With the holiday season often comes a large spike in your electric bill, especially if you’re an avid decorator! All the extra string lights outside, blow up lawn decorations, Christmas tree lights, etc., all take a toll on your electricity usage.

How To Make Your Home More Energy Efficient This Winter

Lower your thermostat-  Just because you have your heat on, doesn’t mean you need to blast it. For every degree you lower the thermostat, you can save money on your energy bill. You may have to put on an extra layer while you’re around the house or sleeping, but it can make a significant difference in your savings.

Check your filters- Having clean filters help to maintain proper airflow, meaning your HVAC system can work efficiently. Regularly cleaning, and changing filters when necessary can help to save you some money this winter.

Don’t block vents- If your vents are blocked by furniture, it could be preventing proper air circulation throughout your room. This may cause you to continue to turn up the heat, as the warm air is never reaching you.

Take care of repairs/maintenance- Your heating system should be serviced annually to ensure optimal efficiency. Call in a professional to do any maintenance or repairs that could be hindering your system’s performance.

Lighting- Did you know that LED light bulbs use 75% less energy than traditional lighting options? If you haven’t already, make this switch in your home to see a huge difference in your bill. You should also be sure to turn off lights when leaving a room, and try to only use them when necessary (AKA not during the day, etc.)

Seal windows and doors- If you feel a draft coming from your windows or doors, this could be contributing to heat loss in your home. Your heating system has to work harder to pump out more warm air, since half of it is going out the window (literally). Try sealing them to reduce the draft, or completely replace if necessary.