Utilizing Card Access Systems in a Commercial Property

Utilizing Card Access Systems in a Commercial Property

In the ever-expanding world of business, key card access systems have emerged as a growing security solution for business owners, facility managers and other enterprising individuals, who want an effective security system that offers peace of mind. Card access systems serve to keep intruders and unwanted visitors at bay and grants swift access to your commercial property, but only to authorized users. This security system is ideal for large or small, commercial properties, or a complex with multiple sites. These systems allow you the flexibility to program specific access rules, from the time of day to specific areas of the facility to ensure protection from all possible sources of threat. Here are several ways that you can protect your business with a key card access system.

Secure Entrances

The first line of defense in protecting your commercial property is to secure the entrance points. These entrances need to be well protected at all times since this is the starting point of security in any facility. A key card access control system is useful in ensuring that only individuals or employees with qualified permissions can gain entry. This way, only the right people can get into your building, which keeps your business safe and secure.

Control Entry on Receiving/Loading Docks

If your commercial property has a loading or receiving dock, you want to protect your products or valuables. There tends to be a lot of activity on receiving/loading docks, with goods and workers going in and out of a facility, which could cause this access point to be seen as vulnerable. A card access system could prevent intruders from gaining access to your commercial property, enabling you to easily and effectively manage door openings and closings, increasing the security of your personal and goods from theft.

Manage Parking Lots

You provide a parking space for your employee, but it is far too common for people visiting neighboring businesses to swipe a parking spot for themselves. You can eliminate such an issue by implementing a card access system for your parking lot, restricting access to authorized staff in your business, or facility managers and tenants if it’s a rental property.

Safeguard Server Rooms

It is crucial to protect your servers from unauthorized individuals in order to protect your business, staff, and customers. Any breach or unauthorized access of your server rooms can have costly consequences. A card access system can serve as a precautionary measure to safeguard your server rooms and prevent theft and tampering.

Contact Cardoso Electrical

If you are serious about protecting your commercial property, Cardoso Electrical provides top-notch security solutions, with an effective key card access system that can grant you peace of mind and protect your assets. Contact us today to learn more!