When Should You Schedule An Electrical Inspection?

electrical inspection

When Should You Schedule An Electrical Inspection?

Scheduling an electrical inspection provides many values to homeowners and businesses. Not only can electrician make sure that your existing electrical system is safe (and prevent potential electrical emergencies), electricians can also increase your energy efficiency which can save you a lot of money in utility bills. But that begs an important question: when should you schedule an inspection? For many buildings, they are only inspected when the building changes ownership, which is far less often than it should be.

After A DIY Electrical Project

A lot of homeowners prefer to DIY some of their projects. Do it yourself is a cost-effective way to handle a variety of projects from plumbing to landscaping and even electrical work. Of course, at Cardoso Electrical Services we always recommend that you do not do electrical work unless you have experience and understand what you are doing. As far as DIY projects go, electrical work is one of the more dangerous things to do on your own. Our team is well versed in Massachusetts electrical code, and we can make sure any work you have done meets those standards. Nothing beats the eye of a licensed and trained electrician, so if you decide to save money by handling some of the work yourself, make sure to have it looked at by a professional.

Before Any Remodeling Project

Another key time to hire an electrician for an inspection is before you take on any remodeling projects. You do not want to waste money on remodeling or extending your home if your electrical system cannot support it. Any new light fixtures and outlets may require upgrades to your electrical system and potential repairs. You do not want to find this out after you have hired a contractor and partially completed the remodeling job.

After Storm Damage

Whether it is a blizzard, a tropical storm, or flooding, you should always get an inspection after any extensive damage to your property. If tree limbs or other debris have hit powerlines outside of your home, even if they weren’t taken down, they could still be damaged or loose. If any wired part of your home is damaged due to a storm or other event, you should hire an electrician to conduct an inspection.

If You Notice Recurring Issues

The last, and often most common reason to call for an inspection is if you notice issues continually. For instance, if light flicker, power goes off often, or you notice burnt areas around electrical outlets and appliances, you may need to call an electrician.

Electrical Inspections in Greater Boston

For help with electrical work in the Greater Boston area, call Cardoso Electrical Services. Our team of licensed electricians would be happy to help troubleshoot and solve any issues you may have with your electrical components.