Why Are My Appliances Tripping The Breaker

Why Are My Appliances Tripping The Breaker

Have you ever turned on the vacuum cleaner or the air conditioner and noticed your lights dim even momentarily? Or has your power fully gone off because the breaker trips? If your breaker constantly trips when using a specific appliance or group of appliances there are a few things that might be causing this. On the one hand, it could be the appliance itself, on the other hand, it could be the entire electrical system. In this article, we will cover the various causes and signs of what is making your breaker trip. 

Signs Your Appliances Are Causing Your Breaker To Trip

The first thing you should do when your breaker trips is unplug your appliances and turn the breaker back on. You should check your appliances for signs of damage, specifically near the wire and plug. If there is exposed wiring, issues with the plug, or frayed wires, this is a sign that this specific appliance may need to be replaced or repaired. Additionally, if the same appliance always causes the outage it is likely that it is the appliance causing the problem. Additionally, if you smell smoke or notice any sparks when using your appliance, you should consider getting immediate repairs or replacing it. 

Signs A Specific Circuit Or Outlet Is Causing The Breaker To Trip

Another common cause of a breaker tripping is that there is an issue with a specific outlet. If changing outlets solves your problem, you should consider hiring an electrician to test the outlet that was causing the problem. Signs to look for around an outlet are whether or not plugs are loose when plugged in or if you notice sparks when plugging/unplugging devices. Additionally, any burning smells or browning around an outlet is a potential sign that an outlet needs repairs. Another common thing to check for is if a specific circuit is causing the problem. Many homes have multiple circuits for different sections of the property. One circuit may not be well equipped to handle a large electrical load. For instance, if you plug a vacuum into an outlet that is connected to a circuit that is also powering lights, a refrigerator, a freezer, and an air conditioner it is likely you might trip this circuit. Consider having an electrician come help with circuit upgrades. 

Signs That You Have a Fault Circuit Breaker

A circuit breaker is not infallible. There are instances where a circuit breaker is tripped even when there is now danger in the amount of power you are using. A sign that this is the case is if you lose power consistently even when you aren’t using any high voltage appliances. If your power goes out often you either need to upgrade your home’s electrical system or replace a faulty breaker that is tripping even when things are at safe levels. 

Electrical Services in Greater Boston

No matter what is causing the issue, our team can get to the bottom of it. Give us a call for residential or commercial electrical services in the Greater Boston area!