Advantages of LED Lighting

Advantages of LED Lighting

You may have noticed that many people are switching over to LED, rather than traditional incandescent lights. While your current light bulbs may still be working just fine, you’re probably wondering what the craze is all about! We’ve laid out a few of the major benefits to using LED lights below.

  1. Efficiency- LED lighting uses 50% less energy than traditional incandescent, fluorescent and halogen lighting options. Because it emits light hemispherically rather than spherically, you’re reducing wasted light and therefore energy. This can help you save a substantial amount of money on your electric bill.
  2. Lifespan– Another major advantage of LED lights is they will not burn out or fail. Instead, they dim over time. They have an expected lifespan of 30,000-50,000 hours or longer, in comparison to 1,000 hours for incandescent or 8,000-10,000 for fluorescent lighting. Because they last much longer, they also require sufficiently less maintenance. This is especially helpful in a commercial setting where you may have to hire someone to come in and change your lights. Not only will you be saving on electric bills, but labor bills too!
  3. Operation in the cold– In cold temperatures, fluorescent light needs higher voltage to start up. However, LED lights actually increase their performance as temperatures drop. This makes LED an optimal choice for a refrigerator or freezer use, and even outdoors in your driveway or parking lot.
  4. Durable– LED lights are also far more durable in comparison to other lighting options. Because they have no filaments or glass enclosure, they can withstand vibrations and other impacts. LEDs are mounted on a circuit board and connected with soldered lead, which will only really be affected upon direct impact.
  5. Instant brightness– No more waiting for your lights to get bright! Some lights gradually get brighter as you turn them on, but LEDs turn on at 100% brightness. This is especially useful in things like flashlights, where optimal brightness right away may be important.
  6. Rapid Cycling– Some lights experience wear and tear more quickly the more often that you turn on and off a light. With LED lights, you do not have to worry about rapid cycling. You can turn your lights on and off as frequently as you’d like, without affecting the lifespan.
  7. No IR or UV emissions– Did you know that less than 10% of power used by incandescent lights is actually converted to visible light? The majority of this power is converted to IR, or infrared heat. This excessive heat and UV radiation can cause a burn hazard for people and materials. With LED lights, there is no IR or UV emitted.

Contact Cardoso Electrical Services

If you’re interested in having LED lights installed in your home or office, contact us today! You can reach us by phone at 781-246-7700.