What Light Bulbs To Use This Winter

What Light Bulbs To Use This Winter

As winter closes in the days are shorter and the nights seem darker. The lights in your home are now on for a longer period of time and will be using more energy. It is possible to cut down the costs with a simple light bulb change.  One of the simplest things you can do is exchange all your incandescent light bulbs for either fluorescent or LED bulbs.

Incandescent Bulbs

Incandescent bulbs are the bulbs most known. They come in many different wattages. They are cheap to buy but costly in electricity in the long run. Many countries have phased out the use of these bulbs, and the United States has passed legislation to do the same. The other thing to consider with incandescent bulbs is the amount of heat they can emit –they can get hot enough to start a fire or melt a blanket! With the holidays here, many families have decorations through out their home, that are most likely not flame retardant, so removing

Florescent Bulbs

Florescent bulbs used to be the expensive bulbs that gave off little light. On top of that, they were useless outside in colder climates. The colder the temperature, the longer it took for them to warm up and emit light. Through years of development and research you can now get the same amount of light from a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) as an incandescent bulb and use a lot less electricity. Unlike incandescent bulbs, fluorescent bulbs do not get extremely hot, so they are safer to use. However, they do contain mercury which is considered hazardous waste so when disposing of them it is encourages to deposit them at a recycle center.

LED Bulbs

LED bulbs are still new to some people. When LED bulbs first came out, the light they gave off was almost similar to a flashlight, narrow and focused and the cost of just one bulb could set you back as well. Prices do seem to be coming down too, making them a little more affordable than they used to be. In addition, LEDs do not get very hot, and do not contain any hazardous waste. Another win in my book.


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